Objectives - Project Neptun

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Project Overview
Objective 1.
Improve excellence, scientific and technological capacity of GUT in modern manufacturing, through a scientific approach to the Industry 4.0-related topics, such as: virtual reality, AI in manufacturing, sensor-based manufacturing, digital twins and cloud manufacturing.

Objective 2.
Activating the potential of GUT (employee training, workshops, presentation, study visits) in advanced optimization of processes and production systems, including the development of new algorithms for optimization of process parameters and process planning.

Objective 3.
Conducting common Exploratory Research Project (ERP) related to the wider use of additive technologies in industry. Scientific research is related to the design of mechanical metamaterials. The fatigue life of the parts with special structures fabricated by additive technologies will be determined.

Objective 4.
Helping the staff of the GUT to improve their proposal preparation and project management/administration skills. Upgrading a research management/administration unit by fully utilizing the experience and best practices of the internationally leading partners.

Objective 5.
Introducing the principles of Industry 4.0 into the manufacturing processes of SME’s. An individual approach based on the increaseed sustainable development will be taken into account. Disseminating the gained knowledge and outcomes contained in Compendium of Good Manufacturing Practice within the scientific and industrial members of the continuously developed Cluster of Excellence and through the activities, assistance and guidance of the NEPTUN Advisory Board for Manufacturers.

Project: 101079398 — NEPTUN — HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03
“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily
reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them”.

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