Partners - Project Neptun

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Project Overview
Consortium members are: Obrazki z logo

NEPTUN Consortium is led by Gdańsk University of Technology’  Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology. This Faculty has  been playing an important role in the development of the University and  it strives to keep doing so in the future. With EC funding the faculty  successfully conducted the Engineer of the Future project which allowed  it to enrich its infrastructure and scientific and research equipment.  Additionally, the Faculty participated in EU, national and international  research projects. In line with the Faculty’s development strategy, the  newly purchased equipment and constructed infrastructure will be used  in improving the position of the Faculty and GDAŃSK TECH on the map of  R&I institutions in Poland.

KTH Stockholm is the largest technical university in  Sweden. Its Division of Sustainable Production Systems participating in  this project has over 25 years of experience in multi-national research  projects. This research team has at its disposal a number of R&I  tools instrumental to monitoring, planning, simulation and control for  energy-efficient and green manufacturing. KTH is one of the European  leaders in online real-time monitoring systems (it developed modern  information sharing platform), off-site machining, remote assembly,  cloud robotics, tracking and diagnosing of manufacturing resources. KTH  successfully participates in numerous European projects including the  ones carried out within Horizon program.
TU Berlin is an internationally renowned research and  educational academic unit. Its main goals include facilitating  technological progress in conjunction with core principles of excellence  and quality. TU Berlin strives to meet the challenges of the world  which is increasingly dependent on technology. Excellence belongs to the  core aspects governing the activities of TU Berlin. The university  plays an important role in EC research projects and its research  capabilities are top-notch. TU Berlin has long-lasting experience in  seeding innovation, in close cooperation with industry and integration  of research and teaching.

National Technical University of Athens’ School of  Mechanical Engineering and Section of Manufacturing Technology is a  leading European research unit in the fields of materials, manufacturing  processes, precision engineering, manufacturing systems, intelligent  manufacturing and machine tools. The research conducted in the School is  supported by an increasing number of competitive research grants,  contracts and projects, with EU, public, and private organization  funding. The large number of publications in peer-reviewed international  journals and in proceedings of international conferences, as well as  the citations obtained, confirm the success of their work.

Project: 101079398 — NEPTUN — HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03
“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily
reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them”.

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