Work Packages - Project Neptun

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Work Packages

Project Overview
WP1. Management

This WP concentrates on the coordination, monitoring and implementation  of the coordination and support activities and tasks within the  specified time-frame. Progress reports will be discussed and approved  within this WP. An emphasis will be put on the evaluation of the  progress of the GDAŃSK TECH in becoming a Cluster for Excellence and  raising its research potential through educational and training  activities involved within the Project and providing the Compendium of  Good Practices.

WP2. Scientific and Technological Capacity Improvement

Innovative technologies in manufacturing require researchers who are  ready to perform complicated tasks and lead the industrial progress in  order to replace the old technologies with new ones. Both experienced  scientists and people who are beginning their scientific career must  possess knowledge and skills that will allow them efficient operation in  the world of Industry 4.0. This will be addressed by a series of  Short-term staff training trips performed by experts from the Partner  institutions, experts’ visits.

WP3. Research project

The goal of exploratory research is to formulate problems, clarify  concepts, and form hypotheses. NEPTUN exploration will begin with a  literature research, a focus group discussion, depth interviews with the  industrial partners and the analysis of case studies. Carrying out a  joint exploratory research project (ERP) will help to increase the use  of additive technologies in industry. Scientific research will be  related to the design and fabrication of new mechanical metamaterials.  They are artificial structures with mechanical properties determined by  their structure, not only by their composition. The fatigue life of the  parts with special structures manufactured by additive technologies will  be determined. The main hypothesis is that the design of mechanical  metamaterials will help to produce the mechanical components with  increased fatigue life through additive technologies. A pilot research  will include the design, additive fabrication, testing and application  of exemplary mechanical components produced normally by subtractive  technologies.

WP4. Strengthening the research management and administration skills

Obtaining external funds within EU funding programs and other financial  mechanisms alike requires the preparation and submitting of a funding  proposal request with necessary attachments. The scope of the detail  level and complexity of proposals is varied. Without any doubts,  however, it requires the contribution and commitment of persons  possessing specialized knowledge and skills. In relation with the above,  state universities commonly establish organizational units supporting  future project managers in writing the proposals. Such units, often  known as project management offices are tasked with searching the  funding sources, preparing the proposals to be submitted, as well as  with the following administrative management of the projects that  entered the realization and application phase. Main tasks of the  upgraded project management office at the Faculty of Mechanical  Engineering and Ship Technology will include: Decreasing the  administrative burden of project managers by preparing reports and other  project-related documents; Design and development of standard solutions  and project management methods within the faculty on the basis of the  best practices; Conducting trainings and workshops for the faculty’s  staff; Consulting and mentoring providing an expert knowledge regarding  project management; Acting as a support for the project managers and  their teams.

WP5. Visibility & Social Media

Follow the organization and updating of the project website; Promotional  material, like: flyers, leaflets, brochures, videos, media releases,  advertising gadgets etc. They will be handed out at different meetings,  workshops, conferences, etc., where partner organizations will  participate thus increasing the visibility of the project and expanding  the network of contacts; The development of the dissemination and  exploitation plans; Dissemination will also include the publishing of a  book about Industry 4.0-related topics co-authored by the Consortium  members and consulted with the representatives of industrial associates  involved in the Project. The book will be completed and distributed  during the final conference. Stakeholders and Industry info day will be primarily aimed at the  representatives of Industry and local authorities. During this event,  the representatives of the Partners participating in the NEPTUN Project  will provide the industrialists with information regarding the nature of  the Project, innovative manufacturing and with information regarding  the principles of Industry 4.0. Representatives of the industry will be  invited to participate in the Cluster of Excellence, they will be asked  to perform consultation tasks in developing the Compendium of Good  Manufacturing Practice. They will also be made aware of the NEPTUN  Advisory Board for Manufacturers and will be encouraged to approach this  body when they need help in solving current problems.

Project: 101079398 — NEPTUN — HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-03
“Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily
reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them”.

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